Questioning the 'Islamic' credentials of Saudi Arabia
Book: Zionist Conspiracies in the Citadel of Islam
Author: Syed Zubair Ahmad
Pages: 375
Price: Rs 200
Publisher: Impact Books, Delhi
Distributor: New Crescent Publishing Company, Delhi
Author: Syed Zubair Ahmad
Pages: 375
Price: Rs 200
Publisher: Impact Books, Delhi
Distributor: New Crescent Publishing Company, Delhi
By Amnah Khalid,,
The role and expectation of Muslims from Saudi Arabia in the current Syrian crisis and the Arab uprising has puzzled many, particularly because the ‘higher status’ it enjoys for being the “Custodians of the two holy Mosques”. The sharp differences between the ‘expected’ role and the one actually being executed were observed by the author of the book under review, while working in the Kingdom, that became the driving force for writing the book in Urdu, which English translation in also now out.
Although a personal account, Zionist Conspiracies in the Citadel of Islam by Syed Zubair Ahmed clearly identifies the “clash and conflict” of Islamic values, the use of political Islam, Westernization in the Islamic state against the claim of Custodian of the holy mosques and preserving the Islamic tradition as a model society. The book was initially written in Urdu, Yaad-e-Haram, that’s now translated with minor revisions and two new chapters; “Long live the King” and “The Arab Spring” to make the author’s observations contemporary and relevant in the fast changing landscape of Middle East.
It has three central themes: Zionist agenda in the kingdom, the disparity and discrimination in working conditions of Muslims, the interpretation of Islamic values in the country. In 358 pages the author sets to prove, “to brand Saudi Arabia as an Islamic country is to make a mockery of Islam.”
The recent Wiki Leaks have revealed how the ‘Custodian of Islam’ openly invited the US to bomb Iranian nuclear sites, in his own words to “Cut the head of the snake” (Iran). And yet inspite of support to the Palestinian cause and huge amount of aid sent, surprisingly no objection with Israel’s nuclear weapons. The author wonders, “if the most important ‘Islamic’ ruler of Muslim world and the ‘champion’ of Islamic cause has collaborated with Zionist-Antichrist-Imperialist forces then who will convey the last message of God to mankind and solve the problems of humanity? Who will fight against those imperialist forces that have enslaved the entire mankind for their selfish interests? Who will support the Jesus (PBUH) on his second coming and defeat The Antichrist (Dajjal) and his army of Zionists, Neo-conservatives, Evangelists, infidels and polytheists?”
The traditional rivalry of Muslims and Jews is seen through the massive investment of Jewish businesses in nearly every sector of society and their huge deals royal family. The close relationship with US in regional politics against Muslim rather than Arab nations is seen against Islamic interest:
“The rude shock of discrimination between Muslims from economically backward countries starts from the airport where a group of Bangladeshi workers are uniformed and mistreated like slaves and given the worse salaries and jobs from the point of issuing only sweeper’s visa and manhandled !! Salaries are paid not by qualification but by the patronage given to different nationalities; so an American will earn much more than an Egyptian or Indian or even a Saudi. Employee abuse and irregularities have no mean of being addressed or rectified instead become the reason for further animosity and bad relations. No support system was in place for converters or wishes of employees to fulfill their religious duties. Often the mirage remained ever far when on the same land as their country of origin. The worker from poor nation often came with debt, would spiral into long term low paying jobs away from family for years with no regulation of working hours or security of job they instead depend on culture of patronage. Several episodes are related of great inhumanity an u Islamic practices.”
In the name of modernization, historic and culturally important landmarks were destroyed to make way for skyscrapers luxury hotels and malls in Makkah and Medina which again are for the rich.
Such inaccessibility and commercialization is resented by many and particularly regarded as unislamic and a reminder of pre Islamic culture of pilgrimage and trade in Arabia. He discusses some crucial decisions taken by Khadim Al Haramain Al Sharifain (Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques) which include “removal of some Quranic verses from the school syllabus in which Jews and Christian were lamented for their misdeeds, the establishment of an ‘Anti-Terrorism Center’ in Riyadh, giving permission to Israel to use Saudi airspace and bomb Iran, initiating ‘interfaith dialogues’ (with those who are planning to stockpile nuclear arms in space) organizing film festivals, introducing co-education, erasing the remains of Islamic history and building American style shopping malls in the vicinity of Kaba. The ‘cultural imperialism’, better we call ‘cultural invasion’ of the west, which has already run over the citadel of Islam, is much more dangerous than military invasion in Arab land. The political slavery of the west has turned into mental slavery as well. The future is predicted using different Reports assisting policy making in the Middle East.”
The Rand Corporation’s two reports about Islam published in March and December 2004 referred are sourced to predict the direction of US relations with Muslims. The reports, “Civil Democratic Islam: Partners, Resources” authored by Cheryl Benard and “US strategy in the Muslim World After 9/11” written by Angel Rabasa Bernard or Rabasa report were “to identify possible strategies and sets of political and military options to help the United States meet challenges and exploit opportunities presented by changed conditions in the Muslim world.”
It divides Muslims into four broad groups—‘fundamentalists’, ‘traditionalists’, ‘modernists’ and ‘secularists’—and suggests different policies to deal with them. To promote modernization and undertake Madrass education reform, join war on terrorism that later became a blanket for eliminating opposition.
Though neither an academic work nor fully journalistic, but certainly informative, engaging and an eye opener, the book appears to be a promising Introduction to the issues of the Muslim World, although it relies too much on 'observations', not always aptly substantiated with documentary facts.
(Amnah Khalid is a Research Scholar at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in Kuala Lumpur and can be reached at
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