Chinese ASEAN foreign policy of Charm and Coercion
Where does Beijing see starting points for winning over individual states or even ASEAN as a whole? Which states does Beijing rate as particularly approachable here? China has been using a sort of pull and push policy in handing ASEAN countries. It “push” and advance its position on issues at the expense of ASEAN giving the priority of its interest like in the case of South China Sea territorial claims and the ongoing crisis in Myanmar. It gradually “pull” ASEAN countries closer to its orbit closer comprehensive relationship employing both soft diplomacy and agreements like recent Covid vaccine diplomacy and seeking support in managing US influence in the region. This is calibrated effectively with coercion and charm and mutually reinforced making it difficult for states to challenge and to absorb shortcomings and At the same time, every incremental “push” gradually shores up China’s position down the line and alters the status quo in its favour, further convi...